Timeline: Month 6–20 (February 2020–May 2021)

Main Activities:

  1. Partners conduct a needs analysis with their stakeholders about the content and functions of the toolbox.
  2. The toolbox is set up with tools from IO1, the translations of which are finalised for publication. This phase coincides with the final part of IO1.
  3. Monitoring and improvement. During this phase, partners monitor the use and collected feedback from their users about the usefulness of first sections of the toolbox.
  4. The toolbox is set up with tools from IO2, the translations of which are finalised for publication. This phase coincides with the final part of IO2.
  5. Publication of completed tool. Before this phase all the elements and tips for adapting new international tools to volunteer management are collected based on work from IO3.

Short-term joint staff training event

Training event leader: AHE, Poland
Location: Łodz, Poland
Date: October 2020 (exact date TBC)
Title: New methods in volunteer management course

Main Activities:

The “New methods in volunteer management” course is aimed for volunteer managers from the participating organisations or their members or associates. The aim of the activity is to offer them professional development opportunities that will allow them to succeed at their work. They will also be able to network and build on their own European partnerships. The content is determined by the material selected during IOs 1 and 2, providing an overview of current European volunteer management methods and tools, and workshops on their use and facilitation skills.

Each partner will select 2 participants. They are key persons to the success of this project, as they will need to commit to using the tools in the testing phase with their own volunteers. Some project staff members will accompany the participants and be present at the event. The language of instruction is English.

The content and methods of the training will be documented and published on the website to offer interested organisations an opportunity to organise a similar event.

Multiplier Events

Location: every partner country
Date: Month 20–21 (April–May 2021)

One multiplier event will be held in each partner country. Each partner should engage 25 multipliers through the event (people with the potential to spread the project further). The multiplier event focuses on promoting the tools and methods collected during the project in an experiential way so that along with presentations from project staff and stakeholders involved in the testing phase it will offer stakeholders, volunteer managers in particular, a chance to try out some of the tools.


There is a budget of 100 € per multiplier present at an event. Evidence of attendance must be collected.


Leader: BOSEV
Timeline: Ongoing throughout project

Main Activities

Output leader BOSEV

  1. Produce dissemination plan
  2. Develop branding and logos
  3. Create Word and Powerpoint templates for the project
  4. Coordinate collection of dissemination reports among partners
  5. Assess quality of dissemination at interim and final report.

All partners

Analysis of partners' and stakeholders’ needs. Partners will ask their stakeholders which kinds of tools and methods they would need. This will direct part of the work.

During the project


The new knowledge and competences rely on the usefulness of the intellectual outputs.


joint checklists for completed activities, progress reports, discussions at partner meetings.

Reporting system: Every 6 months partners deliver an activities and expenses reports and time-sheets to the coordinator. On the base of these documents, the coordinator and quality manager assess the quality of the work completed thus far. After this, the coordinator's ask is to refund partners eligible costs. Mutual and organisational learning is assessed through surveys and group interviews at the four skype meetings, related to the project checkpoints.

At the end of the project




Results indicators

  1. For the 2 skill packages (managerial + supervision, communication + cooperation), the indicators will be the same for each of them: at least 150 people have accessed some of the tools in the related part of the toolbox. Volunteer managers participating in the virtual expeditions (webinars, web clinics, discussions) will be sent a short satisfaction survey (benchmark: 2/3 of users satisfied).
  2. For the testing phase, participating volunteer managers will collect a short survey or interview with their volunteers to ask if their volunteering experience has benefited from the new methods. (benchmark: 2/3 of users satisfied).
  3. Overall learner satisfaction at the end of the project: short survey to establish whether they feel they have gained new competences and networks (benchmark: 2/3 of users satisfied, over 50 % can indicate a positive change in their work).
  4. Dissemination activities:
    • Website:
      • user statistics (quantitative goal: 500 visits)
      • user feedback (qualitative; indicator: users are leaving feedback, mainly positive, and their feedback is used for improvement)
    • Social media:
      • is attracting interaction (quantitative goal: 300 followers, qualitative: partners and users are sharing information and discussing issues).
      • other social media: active discussions maintained on other sites where applicable.
    • Other
      • each partner gets mentions in other media (newspapers, trade journals, radio…) or presents their work at an external event at least 2 times
      • partners receive feedback from users.

Process indicators

  1. Project is running as planned. Indicator: outputs are delivered on time (measured against the checkpoint system presented above), time management and workload
    management are on a satisfactory level (constant feedback from partners, consensus reached)
  2. Mutual learning: each partner is benefiting from participation and able to give their expertise for the benefit of other partners (indicator: common consensus)
  3. Financial: financial reports are timely and correct, the project stays within its budget.


The sustainability of the VolExpo project depends on the following factors: 1. Quality of the products i.e. the toolbox and the training event plan and instructions; 2. Active dissemination throughout and after the project's lifespan; and 3. Services provided.

  1. The quality of the tools and the toolbox will be assessed throughout the intellectual outputs. The work undertaken in this section focuses on whether users find the tools accessible and the toolbox of sufficiently high quality.
  2. Each partner will promote the project's results. Partners will also use the tools and methods in their ordinary training and supervision activities, integrating them into their work.


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